Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 8 Crossword
Down: 1) NOT loose2)  Something that separates or divides two or more things; To divide into smaller parts or portions3)  The state of having a lot of money; Wealth4)  Merry, joyful and friendly6)  A waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks; To rush down in large quantities like a waterfall7) grumpy, crabby8)  Something that confines or restrains, like a handcuff; To put in chains or handcuff11)  impenetrable, closed12)  Evil and wicked17)  Pertaining to war or military operations; Warlike Across: 5)  design, layout8)  The least quantity or amount possible, assignable or allowable; Lowest, smallest possible9)  in the red, in default10)  A new idea or product; A new way of doing something better13)  To shrink back or hide in fear; To flinch or cower14)  Likely to go bad or spoil quickly15)  The beginning or start of a journey or an attack16) NOT movable18)  To regain or recover19)  skillful, flexible


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