Grade 6 Unit 6 Crossword
1) A network of paths designed as a puzzle through which one needs to find a way through2) Characterized by bloodshed and violence3) wanderer, tramp4) A strong supporter of a party, group, or cause; Devoted to or one-sided in support for a party, group, or cause6) To keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss or destruction7) Noisy, full of energy, and cheerful; High-spirited and rowdy8) Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions or impedes progress and prosperity; To destroy, ruin or frustrate10) lucidity, clearness12) good-natured, agreeable13) program, docket14) supple, pliable |
5) sibyl, seer9) Tending to agree with others or obey rules; Obedient11) To leave or abandon a place; To give up a position15) Total earnings without deductions for expenses; To make or earn money; Lacking in refinement or good manners16) NOT hinder17) repay, refund18) To confuse or perplex19) A first appearance in society or on the stage; To appear for the first time20) Margin of error; Allowance for mistakes |